
Luke (Brazos Theological Commentary on the Bible | BTC) is unavailable, but you can change that!

In this addition to the Brazos Theological Commentary series, highly-acclaimed professor of literature David Lyle Jeffrey offers a theological reading of Luke. This commentary, like each in the series, is designed to serve the church—providing a rich resource for preachers, teachers, students, and study groups—and demonstrate the continuing intellectual and practical viability of a theological...

identical genre or form, and even the other two Synoptic Gospels thus should not be assumed to represent a type of diēgēsis. Mark’s brief Gospel is an almost breathless account of the events of the life of Jesus as ordered to indispensable redemptive significance, a kind of bare-bones Gospel. Matthew’s account is not like this, nor is it so chronologically ordered as Luke. Instead, Matthew moves in and out of the teaching of Jesus, turning his attention with laser-light intensity upon the character
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